Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission guidelines for poster/oral presentation

  • Registration and payment of registration fee is mandatory for abstract submission.
  • Abstracts should describe original work in the field of neurochemistry.
  • Name(s) of author(s), institution(s), and country of author(s) should be stated clearly.
  • Abstract Structure-The abstract should be prepared as follows:
    • The abstract must be presented in only English language.
    • The abstract should be unstructured and continuous one paragraph with no subheadings.
    • Title: Centrally aligned, Bold with 14 font.
    • Affiliation: Italics, 11 font, spacing of 1.5 between title and author’s name and affiliation.
    • Email ID of presenting and corresponding author should be mentioned and name of presenting author should be highlighted in bold.
    • Main text: ~ 300 words (excluding title, author’s name and affiliation) typed in Arial, 12 font, justified, 2.5 cm margin all around, single spacing.
  • Certificate will only be issued to the registered presenting author. No change in presenting author is allowed after the abstract is accepted.
  • Only one presenter (submitter) is allowed per abstract.
  • The presenter of the abstract must register for the conference in order to present the abstract
  • The submitter of the abstract is automatically assigned as the presenter (first author). Hence, do not submit on behalf of another presenter. Each presenting author is only allowed to submit and present only one abstract.
  • Abstracts which do not adhere to the above guidelines will not be considered.
  • To be considered for oral presentation, please submit abstract by 31st August 2024
  • Please contact us if you encounter any difficulties.
  • Several awards like Best Oral Presentation, Best Poster Presentation, Young Scientist Awards and Travel awards will be conferred to students and faculty. Only completed applications submitted with abstract by the deadline August 15, 2024 will be considered for awards.

Guidelines for poster presentation:

  1. The size of the poster should be 4 ft (height) and 3 ft (width) and the content of the poster should be readable from a distance of 150 cm. 
  2. Please ensure that all the authors on your poster have acceptance for its presentation.
  3. Please ensure that the poster number allotted to you is visible in your poster presentation (to be intimated later).
  4. Please arrange your poster with the following sections: introduction, methodology, results, conclusion and acknowledgement.
  5. Please abstain from making any political or religious statements on your poster.
  6. The judge’s decision will be final for award category.
  7. Please ensure that the work being presented should not have received award earlier or not presented elsewhere.

Guidelines for oral presentation:

  1. You are requested to be present in the hall through the entire session time of your presentation.
  2. Kindly prepare your presentations in MS-Power Point with 16:9 screen ratio
  3. Kindly limit your presentation to 8 minutes duration + 2 minutes for Q&A.
  4. Kindly limit slide number maximum to 15; including introduction, methodology, results and conclusion.
  5. Please abstain from making any political or religious statements on your poster.
  6. The judge’s decision will be final for award category.
  7. Please ensure that the work being presented should not have received award earlier or not presented elsewhere.